Submit 3-5 photographs or examples of art and a cover letter.

Include a brief bio (100 words) in your cover letter.

In addition, please write a one line response to the following prompt: To me, being Latinx means ... Responses can be up to 100 words.

Written responses should be included in the Message box. Accepted formats for art submissions are JPEG and GIF. If another format is required, please query before submitting.
Submit 1 piece of fiction of 500 - 7500 words and cover letter. All forms, themes, and styles are accepted.

Include a brief bio (100 words) in your cover letter.

In addition, please write a one line response to the following prompt: To me, being Latinx means ... Responses can be up to 100 words
Submit 1 nonfiction piece of 500 - 2000 words with a cover letter. The Acentos Review is open to the submission of all categories of nonfiction including creative and memoir.

Include a brief bio (100 words) in your cover letter.

In addition, please write a one line response to the following prompt: To me, being Latinx means ... Responses can be up to 100 words

We love reviews and always need more of them. They can be approached as academic tangos with the text or intimate exchanges of anecdotes over candlelight. Reviews of 1000 – 1500 words are preferred about books by Latin@ authors or about issues concerning the Latin@ community.

We encourage interviews with Latin@ writers from across the globe. Interviews may be conducted in English or Spanish. Authors chosen to be interviewed should have published at least one book and/or contributed to the community of Latin@ writers in some way. We encourage authors to query first at 1000-1500 words preferred.
Submit 3-5 Poems with a cover letter. All styles, themes and forms are accepted.

Include a brief bio (100 words) in your cover letter.

In addition, please write a one line response to the following prompt: To me, being Latinx means ... Responses can be up to 100 words.
We encourage translations of contemporary and traditional work from or into Spanish or indigenous languages, from or of Latinx authors.

Please include a bio of 100 words with your cover letter.  

Please make sure, in your cover letter, to also indicate that you have permission from the author, copyright holder, and/or previous publisher to do this translation.     
This category would include poetic transcription, reader's theater, excerpts from verse novels, web graphics, musical collaborations or compositions, etc. We ask that submissions include a cover letter, a short artist statement explaining the origin or framework for the work, a brief bio (100 words) in your cover letter and a one line response to the following prompt: To me, being Latinx means ... Responses can be up to 100 words.
The Acentos Review